Welcome To Metro West Orthodontics & Periodontics!
Our periodontists and orthodontist in La Vista, NE, are dedicated to providing you with the personal, high-quality care you need to enjoy better oral and overall health. We are proud to provide a full range of orthodontic, periodontal, and implant services  in La Vista, Nebraska, and the greater Omaha area, and will work closely with you to design your treatment plans and ensure your needs are met. With our specialized care, you can achieve your oral health and smile goals to enjoy all the benefits of a beautiful, healthy and confident smile. Call today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Takanari Miyamoto, Dr. Taera Kim or Dr. Melissa Lang!
Excellence in Every Service
Meet Our Doctors
Our renowned and experienced doctors offer specialized treatments tailored to your unique needs. Call now to make an appointment!
One Team. One Goal. Patient First.
Reviews That Matter
360+ Five-Star Reviews
Request Your Comprehensive Appointment Today
Continuing Education
Let Your Journey to Dental Health Start Today!
Our periodontists, orthodontist and team are dedicated to providing you with top-notch care. Call today to make your appointment!