Metro West Orthodontics & Periodontics is committed to offering the most advanced services and technologies in periodontics, implant dentistry and orthodontics based on current evidence and research. Our periodontists and orthodontist are unique in that they conduct leading-edge clinical research in addition to providing care, allowing our practice to stay at the forefront of the periodontal and orthodontics field and ahead of the curve in advances in technology.
Dr. Takanari Miyamoto, Dr. Taera Kim, Dr. Melissa Lang and Dr. Courtney Rudick have participated in numerous clinical studies which contributed knowledge to our field. We believe that our ability to conduct clinical research allows us to provide our office and patients with resources and technology that would not otherwise be available. Dr. Miyamoto, Dr. Kim, Dr. Lang and Dr. Rudick have many scientific publications to present the latest dental news, research and tips for both professionals and patients. Some of these publications provide in-depth summaries of breakthrough procedures and their relevance to you. We strive to bring you the latest, most up-to-date knowledge so you can make informed decisions regarding your dental health.
Published Medical Articles

Pathogen-Accelerated Atherosclerosis Occurs Early after Exposure and Can Be Prevented via Immunization

Application of 2017 New Classification of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions to Localized Aggressive Periodontitis

Compliance as a Prognostic Indicator: Retrospective Study of 505 Patients Treated and Maintained for 15 Years

The Clinical Efficacy of Deproteinized Bovine Bone Mineral with 10% Collagen in Conjunction with Localized Piezonsurgical Decortication Enhanced Orthodontics

Root Proximity as a Risk Factor for Progression of Alveolar Bone Loss: The Veterans Affairs Dental Longitudinal Study

Compliance as a Prognostic Indicator. II. Impact of Patient’s Compliance to the Individual Tooth Survival

A Major Human Oral Lysophosphatidic Acid Species, LPA 18:1, Regulates Novel Genes in Human Gingival Fibroblasts

The combination of a nylon and traditional partial removable dental prosthesis for improved esthetics: A clinical report

Non-bioabsobable vs. bioabsorbable membrane: assessment of their clinical efficacy in guided tissue regeneration

Pathogen-Accelerated Atherosclerosis Occurs Early after Exposure and Can Be Prevented via Immunization

Porphyromonas gingivalis Fimbria-Dependent Activation of Inflammatory Genes in Human Aortic Endothelial Cells

Entering, Linked with the Sphinx: Lysophosphatidic Acids Everywhere, All at Once, in the Oral System and Cancer

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) 18:1 transcriptional regulation of primary human gingival fibroblasts

Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells in the pathogenesis of periodontitis: potential novel treatment strategies

Treatment history of teeth in relation to the longevity of the teeth and their restorations: Outcomes of teeth treated and
maintained for 15 years

Compliance as a Prognostic Indicator. II. Impact of Patient’s Compliance to the Individual Tooth Survival

Validity of fractal analysis of implants in individuals with healthy and diseased peri-implant mucosa

Understanding the pathophysiology behind chairside diagnostics and genetic testing for IL‐1 and IL‐6

Contact our team today at 402-614-7022 for more details about the research our periodontists and orthodontist in La Vista, Nebraska, are conducting!
Clinical Research Partners: